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CCF04 - Introduction to Theology

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This course covers the doctrines and dogmas of the church that are built on the foundation of scripture. Not merely a dry study of facts and concepts, but rather, a vibrant consideration of faith, and the practical ways of how beliefs affect the Christian life.

Additionally, this course includes a brief overview of Baptist identity. Much of this is in keeping with broad evangelical beliefs, which is valuable regardless of one’s denominational background.

For more information visit Truett Certificate Program Overview

Class Details

0 Session(s)

Info for Learners

MultipleInstructor :
1.Amanda Clark2.J. David Tate 

CEUs : 3

Start Date:upon registration



Please read: 

CCF01 - Biblical Interpretation - required
CCF03 - Survey of the New Testament - recommended

Required Textbooks:  Jones, Beth Felker. Practicing Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologically. Baker Academic, 2014 and Tuck, William Powell. Our Baptist Tradition. Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc., 2005.



Registration Closes On
Tuesday, December 31, 2030 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online J. David Tate  ; Amanda Clark  Online