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AAC-101 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

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This course is designed to help you establish or further fortify your evidence-based practices in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We will discuss when to consider AAC, AAC assessment, vocabulary systems, grid sizes, lesson planning, literacy, and the research behind it all.
   As a result of this presentation the participant will be able to...
   1. Explain the current research regarding the use of AAC.
   2. Name and describe a minimum of 3 assessment tools to help with AAC assessment.
   3. Create systematic lesson plans that target language and literacy.
   4.Write goals for your AAC users that will expand their language beyond requesting.
   5. Locate a minimum of 3 resources for EBP strategies and materials.

Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

Nadine Welch 

CEUs : 1.5

Start Date:upon registration



Registration Closes On
Tuesday, December 31, 2030 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online Nadine Welch  Online