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How Can I Prepare for Unique Situations and Challenges?

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Today’s world can offer challenges to Guardians who honor his or her responsibility to allow the person with a Guardian to be as independent as he or she can be and still be safe and healthy. Social media presents opportunities for exploitation that must be considered. Allowing the person with a Guardian to have a social life, including sexual activity in some cases, can be especially challenging. Persons with a Guardian can also commit criminal acts and spend time in jail. There are no right or wrong answers to these challenges but a Guardian should be prepared to address these sticky situations if necessary.

This is a self-paced online course.

Author: Kelly NI. Cross, JD, MBA, NNIG . Ms. Cross received a BBA from the University of Louisville in 1986 and an MBA from Xavier University in 1988. In 1992, she received a JD from St Mary's University School of Law in San Antonio. Ms. Cross was certified as a National Master Guardian by the Center for Guardianship Certification in 2007. Her law practice was focused entirely on guardianship until she was elected judge in Statutory Probate Court 1 in Bexar County where she served from 2015 through 2018. She has resumed her law practice which specializes in mediation, litigation probate and guardianship.

Class Details

0 Session(s)

Online Course Information

Online Instructor 

CEUs : 0.1

Start Date:upon registration



Registration Closes On
Tuesday, December 31, 2030 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online Online Instructor  Online